Makeup For Men That Will Make You Do A Double-Take (2025)

When we first met Lifestyle Mirror beauty editor Phillip Picardi at a nail salon in the West Village, his profession wasn't what made us go "Huh." It was his perfectly "beat face" -- that's beauty speak for stunning makeup.

Phillip's face wasn't made up in brightly-colored eyeshadow and lipstick like Boy George or David Bowie. Instead, the tall, dark and handsome editor was wearing makeup that could go unnoticed to the untrained eye. (Fortunately, we had put in a fresh pair of contact lenses that morning and was quite observant.)

After stalking Phillip on Twitter and Instagram for weeks (his daily beauty product snapshots put our bare faces to shame), we became even more interested in his routine and how it fits into the modern paradigm of makeup for men.


"I've been doing my own makeup since I was in the second grade. My mom used to take me to the makeup counters with her -- she loved Chanel, Trish McEvoy and Sisley -- and I would just kind of watch in amazement as they would poke and prod her face," Phillip told us. "I remember one artist telling her she absolutely needed to hide her dark circles (a trait I unfortunately inherited from her), so I stole a couple of her foundation sticks and would dab them under my eyes. I was so young, I have no idea where I got the idea from ... but that started the whole thing."

Fast forward a couple of years and this male beauty editor has a refined makeup routine that is built on great skincare and a "few fine shimmers and dewy finishes" like Clᅢᄅ de Peau concealer, Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk foundation and Bobbi Brown matte bronzer. Glow-imparting beauty products like those Phillip uses are exactly what makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury believes is essential makeup for men.


"I think a masculine approach to beauty is really one that is a hybrid between skincare and beauty products," Tilbury explains. "The look is 'undercover' -- textures that blend into the skin with a traceless finish, subtle shades that enhance the complexion in a low-key way and skincare tricks that can enhance natural beauty."

Makeup For Men That Will Make You Do A Double-Take (1)

Tilbury recently uploaded a video tutorial to her blog called "Groomed, Healthy Look for Men" where she demonstrates how guys can use makeup as a secret weapon to transform a tired complexion, conceal a spot and brighten up hungover eyes.


With so many brands creating new skincare and makeup formulas that make this easy for men to achieve, we asked Tilbury for a list of products that she'd recommend for the modern man.

  • Most men have more delicate and sensitive skin than women due to the aggravating effects of shaving regularly. It is also more often drier, so we recommend a thick, oil-rich cream like Crᅢᄄme de la Mer that forms a comfort blanket on tired skin.
  • Apply a nourishing lip balm (Carmex Moisturizing Lip Balm) all over the lips to keep them smooth and kissable!
  • To get brighter, more sparkly eyes, use eye drops (Visine, original formula).
  • Kanebo's Sensai Bronzing Gel can help men recreate a more healthy, tanned complexion.
  • Disguise bags and dark hollows under the eyes with YSL Touche Eclat for Men -- it reflects light away to get rid of the blue/dark purple appearance of circles and soft-focuses lines.
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  • Eliminate blemishes and treat problem areas over time with Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clearing Concealer.
  • Using chocolate brown and deep brown-grey eyeliner will make the look more subtle. Applied right in the lash line, a powder-based liner will be harder to detect but will instantly bring out the eye color.
  • Cleverly applied bronzer and highlighter can also completely reshape the facial framework and give you the masculine square jaw and defined cheekbones you have always wanted.
  • Are you a man who wears makeup? What's inside your toiletry bag? Tell us in the comments section below.

    We're pretty sure that these guys could hold their own at the makeup counter:

    Want more HuffPost Style beauty content? Check us out on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram at @HuffPostBeauty. (For everything else check out our main HuffPost Style Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram @HuffPostStyle.)
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    Phillip PicardiVideomens makeupStylemakeup for men
    Makeup For Men That Will Make You Do A Double-Take (2025)
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    Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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